On this website and podcast you'll find links to products and services that I use, have tested and am happy to recommend. There's also advertising that you'll hear during the podcast. These all help me to run the website and podcast which takes a lot of time, effort and significant out of pocket expenses. That's how I can provide a service to you free of charge. I raise revenue through various sources:

    Affiliate Marketing

    I'm paid a commission if you purchase any products or services via one of my affiliate links displayed on this website or in the episode notes of the podcast. This money is paid by the affiliated service as a way of acquiring new customers. These affiliate links often come with a discount voucher or offer. They won't cost you anything extra. While I have personally found these products and services to be useful, I make no guarantees that you will benefit from them.


    Sponsored podcast episodes, blog posts and articles are fully disclosed as such.



    The Shares for Beginners podcast accepts advertising. Income from this helps to defray the cost of production and generate a modest income.