• Podcast Episodes

    In our latest podcast episode, we dive deep into the world of macro investing with Mike Singleton, senior analyst and founder of Invictus Research. This episode explains how an investment strategy be enhanced by understanding the bigger economic picture. Mike worked at prominent investment...
    In this episode I'm joined by Simon Shepherd from The Investment Newsletter Group. Simon has a wealth of experience in capital markets working at Deutsche Bank during the 90s. I've called this episode Stock Market War Stories as I believe there's valuable lessons for newcomers and seasoned...
    Ever wondered about the mysterious forces that shape our financial system? I'm joimned by Gerald Epstein, author of 'Busting the Bankers Club: Finance for the Rest of Us' to discuss the often shadowy interplay between politics, economics, and the big banks. He explains how the 'Bankers Club'—a...
    Investing can often seem like a daunting task filled with jargon and complexity, but what if it didn’t have to be? In our latest podcast episode, we sit down with R P Stevens, author of "The Sloth Investor" to discuss how a slow and steady approach can lead to financial success. Roy has been...
    In this episode we meet Finola Burke, the managing director of RaaS Group, to delve into financial modelling and price discovery of company value. Finola explains how her team searches for mispriced companies to create sound research. Finola transitioned from finance journalism to equities...
    In our latest podcast episode, we dive deep into the world of technical analysis with Stockopedian Elio D'Amato. Elio has a rich background in both fundamental and technical analysis. He shares his journey of becoming a "happy smuff" (self-managed unemployed fund) after leaving his previous...
    This episode was inspired by a question from listener Tom who wanted to find out more about investing in copper. Copper is a crucial metal in today's renewable energy revolution, and understanding its market dynamics can be key for investors. In this episode, I'm joined by Peter Chilton from...
    Retirement planning is not one-size-fits-all. In this episode, I'm joined by Rebecca Wilson, author of the bestselling book How to Have an Epic Retirement, and host of the Primetime podcast. Rebecca shares her expertise on preparing for retirement, both financially and emotionally, and discusses...
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